
Friday 15 July 2011

Welcome to our Adventures

We start our adventures to the US with Mum and Dad at the end of this year, but until then we'll be filling in time with a few pics to introduce ourselves...

Firstly is me, Freckle Face:

Here I am checking out the backyard at home, I am probably pretending I can't hear Mummy say "Look at the Camera!"
And this is Chubby Chops:

Everyone thinks CC is a little angel "butter wouldn't melt" but me and Mum and Dad know better! But he's my best mate (apart from Daddy of course).

Stick around and check out what we get up to, as we try and keep Mummy on her toes.
FF xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicky
    Was just popping in to see how your adventure is going? You'll be back in NZ soon? I hope it's been the experience of a lifetime for you all.
