
Friday 15 July 2011

A Holiday Abroad...

Well to Queensland at least!
Mum says she hadn't been to Queensland since she was 13 or 14, and that was her first plane flight anywhere! Daddy has this silly story that Mummy thought you could open the windows on the plane!! Apparently her friend Sarah told him that. Mummy gets annoyed whenever he tells that story!

I took my first flight when I was only 6 weeks old, and Chubs was 4 months before his first. Since then we've been all over... I've even been to the UK and Spain, but mostly to Australia to visit our rellies there.

So we went to visit Nanny and Poppy and Aunty Ellie (she's a dog but she thinks she's a person!), they have a holiday house there north of Bundy. We had a great time!

FF xx

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